The Bible Exposed

Virgin Birth   Resurrection  Historicity

Biblical Library  Errancy  Various

Thomas Paine  Robert Ingersoll


Fade-to-Black with Vahan Setyan

vahan-setyan-smallVahan Setyan has been examining world mythology, language and civilizations for the last decade. He is an independent researcher and regularly collaborates with scholars and researchers in various fields including anthropology and Armenology.He continues with his collaborations with Armenologists and historians around the world to further examine, decipher and reveal most of the prehistoric elements that continue to be hidden within the Armenian highlands, the Armenian language and theirrevolutionary effects on human civilization and languages. He is the author of “Enigma of the Armenian Alphabet: Letters, Protons and Paradoxes,” a book that seeks to reopen a perspective into the world of antiquity and its languages, which has been generally hidden, disregarded and overlooked for more than 120 years. In 2014, “Language as a Fingerprint: Perspectives on the Cradle of Civilizations and the Armenian Language”, the first volume of its 4-volume work, was released, amassing great interest and overwhelming feedback from around the world. He was also a guest in 2014 at the popular Red Ice Creations Swedish radio show, speaking about ancient civilizations, Armenian petroglyphs and Indo-European languages.

How Christianity Destroyed the Cradle of Civilization


Vahan Setyan – Hour 1 – Armenian Roots of Civilization & The Armenian Genocide


Vahan Setyan has been examining world mythology, language and civilizations for the last decade. He is an independent researcher and regularly collaborates with scholars and researchers in various fields including anthropology and Armenology. He continues with his collaborations with Armenologists and historians around the world to further examine, decipher and reveal most of the prehistoric elements that continue to be hidden within the Armenian highlands, the Armenian language and their revolutionary effects on human civilization and languages. He has contributed to articles on ancient mythology, ancient Armenian history and its language. He is the author of “Enigma of the Armenian Alphabet: Letters, Protons and Paradoxes,” a book that seeks to reopen a perspective into the world of antiquity and its languages, which has been generally hidden, disregarded and overlooked for more than 120 years. In this program, Vahan explains Armenia as a root for human civilization and languages. He tells about skewed studies of history and how Indo-Aryan civilization and language migrated from the Caucasus and the Armenian highlands to other parts of the world. He outlines linguistic connections to other ancient high cultures. We’ll also discuss Armenian pre-Christian traditions and what happened when monotheism arrived with violence and bloodshed. In the second hour, we speak about the neglected atrocities of the Armenian Genocide. Setyan talks about the Ottoman Empire, the Young Turks and those who were pulling the strings behind the scenes and organizing these atrocities. Is there an ancient tribal war being waged to this day? Later, we discuss how Armenia and Europe alike are facing massive problems with Islam and what needs to occur for us to reawaken to our ancient heritage.

Paganism is on the rise in Britain 


A YouGov poll in Britain shows that at least 38% of young adults do not believe in the Christian God and are becoming more and more attracted to several forms of Paganism. As a result, theChurch of England announced a proposal on July 12, 2013 that states that they would like to create a “Pagan church” that has mainly Christian content. The Church of England hopes that in doing so that they may keep some of the 38% from becoming Pagan. It’s not clear why the Church of England feels that Paganism is such a huge threat to them, aside from the fact that Paganism was once the primary religion of the region before Christianity.

Threat against U.S. author by Armenian Government Official

27494A charismatic clergyman, Father Komitas Hovnanian, widely known as a spokesman for Catholicos Garegin II, head of the Armenian Orthodox Church, recently went on official public television and referred to Melikian as “the Anti-Christ,” as well as “cobra poison,” “a foreign government mole,” “a Luther,” “a Lenin,” and “a Trotsky.” The clergyman dubbed Melikian “an enemy of the Armenian nation” and incited his listeners to “unlike” Melikian’s Facebook page and join in a national campaign to ostracize him. Read more

Armen Melikian is the prize winning author of Journey to Virginland.

Mithraism – Its Armenian Birth and Etymology

About the HOLY BIBLE

Robert Ingersoll

Somebody ought to tell the truth about the Bible. The preachers dare not, because they would be driven from their pulpits. Professors in colleges dare not, because they would lose their salaries. Politicians dare not. They would be defeated. Editors dare not. They would lose subscribers. Merchants dare not, because they might lose customers. Men of fashion dare not, fearing that they would lose caste. Even clerks dare not, because they might be discharged. And so I thought I would do it myself.

There are many millions of people who believe the Bible to be the inspired word of God — millions who think that this book is staff and guide, counselor and consoler; that it fills the present with peace and the future with hope — millions who believe that it is the fountain of law, Justice and mercy, and that to its wise and benign teachings the world is indebted for its liberty, wealth and civilization — millions who imagine that this book is a revelation from the wisdom and love of God to the brain and heart of man — millions who regard this book as a torch that conquers the darkness of death, and pours its radiance on another world — a world without a tear.

They forget its ignorance and savagery, its hatred of liberty, its religious persecution; they remember heaven, but they forget the dungeon of eternal pain. They forget that it imprisons the brain and corrupts the heart. They forget that it is the enemy of intellectual freedom.Libertyis my religion.Libertyof hand and brain — of thought and labor, liberty is a word hated by kings — loathed by popes. It is a word that shatters thrones and altars — that leaves the crowned without subjects, and the outstretched hand of superstition without alms.Libertyis the blossom and fruit of justice — the perfume of mercy.Libertyis the seed and soil, the air and light, the dew and rain of progress, love and joy. Read More


Publisher’s Foreword

After feloniously migrating from Hell to Paradise (aka Virginland or Virginstan), Dog writes three letters to his brethren back home, sharing with them his experiences in Paradise. These works, titledEpistle I, Epistle II, and Epistle III to the Denizens of Gehenna, are being published under the general title Journey to Virginland.

God deems the Epistles blasphemous and bans them. Dog challenges God. True that on occasion Dog uses terminology and holy verses in the canine language. Dog holds, however, that canine sanctities have been demonized under the heels of God, a transient impostor.

Dog at times quotes from The Gospel of the Son of a Bitch, an obscure work which has kindled public interest but whose existence we have as yet been unable to substantiate, due to the meager resources of DogAlleyPress. The poetic gems that form a subcurrent in the narrative, in the form of four waves and two airs, quoted by our author from the rumis of Paradise, together with his basic facts about Paradise, seem to be intended for a world readership, with the goal of revealing the dogological and atavistic subtexts of life in Paradise.

As dogs mature much faster than anthropoids, our author finds it bizarre that human beings are proscribed from reading dogic literature before they reach the age of 18. Regardless, let each reader be the judge of his or her own level of maturity, and accordingly decide whether to take up the Epistles.This is what Dog’s attorney advises while warning that in Virginstan the penalty for reading Journey to Virginland is decapitation.

Dog thrusts himself into the posterior of Paradisean tradition and dogma. Dog bites God. According to commentators, he does this so as to make His Omniscience come to his senses and whip his ecumenical ecurie into shape. This opinion sounds fair to us, as a dog’s bite is not always fatal.

Rumors that our dog plans to assassinate God are sheer provocations on the part of angels. All our dog does is aimlessly meander through Paradise and bark on occasion. Some say, arguing for a religious revolution. It is our opinion, however, that he wishes simply that dogs popping up in Paradise would be afforded the canine right of self-realization, fully and organically, unimpeded by the tyranny of patronizing ideologies. It is a different matter that sometimes a pack of dogs bursting out of the demimonde may cause a tectonic jolt in Paradise.

The Redeemed of Paradise condemn Dog for designing a path with the goal to install vulvalatry in Paradise by sawing off God’s phallus. What design? What goal? A patent lie! Pure angelic fabrication! Dogs have tails, but no telos. Teleology and eschatology are anthropoid constructs that aim to compensate for what nature has not endowed humans with. Only acaudates ideate on tails.

The characters that appear in the Epistles are real, flesh and bone. Real, too, are the events. Bloody.

Dog assures us that he is not in the employ of Satan’s secret agencies. That neither has he been paid by anyone to write his Epistles. It is our belief that therein lie Mother Dog’s revelations to humankind. Written with semen.

Our author also claims that, so far as he knows, he is a “purebred” human being… pardon, a dog rather.
Humans, put on your dog hats!
Happy reading. Happy new journey. Read More

Virgin Birth   Resurrection  Historicity

Biblical Library  Errancy   Various

Thomas Paine  Robert Ingersoll

One Response to “The Bible Exposed”

  1. Congratulations. Very well done.

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